The cast of "Indianapolis Jones - Spy Catcher" (clockwise from left: Steve Demuth, Serita Borgeas, Gary Harrells Lennae Gordon, Vic Vickers, Melissa Debening, and Jarin Harrell) are hard at work rehearsing the Stage Actors' Workshop production of the John Burkhart scripted comedy. The Indianapolis premier of the show, directed by Bob Rini, is scheduled to run weekends March 6th through 16th 2009 at the University of Indianapolis Community Theater located at 1035 Sanders Street in the Fountain Square area of Indianapolis. Ticket prices are: Adults $10, Seniors, Veterans, Students $6, and Children 12 and younger $4. Call 317-201-3436 for information, directions or reservations.
Play Synopsis: Evil spy Drat Bullbreath is sending secret messages to his equally evil assistant, beautiful and dangerous Anne G. Jolie by means of letters to the advice column in the local newspaper, the Indianapolis Southeast Circle News. Ace spy catcher Morse Code is hot on the trail of the spy ring. Indy Jones, crack reporter and part time advice column editor, notices something unusual about the letters she is receiving. She confides her suspicions to her co-worker and closest friend, Debby Deadline. They discover secret documents that place them both in grave danger! Can Morse save them and the entire nation from the evil spies?
The Stage Actors' Workshop is a not-for-profit community theater acting company comprised of talented people who do theater for the love of it. Their mission is to bring to the public live family-friendly stage shows that are entertaining and educational at a cost that will not break the family budget. Bob Rini has served as the company's artistic director since its inception in 1998. They offer affordable acting classes for adults and children. More information may be obtained by e-mailing them at stageactorsworkshop@gmail.com .
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