Friday, April 9, 2010

Southeast Community Services Senior Center has New Coordinator

By Merelaine Haskett

A local, long time resident of Fountain Square, as well as an avid neighborhood activist and supporter, Elaine Cates, is now the new Southeast Community Services Senior Center Coordinator. Elaine has been an employee of the Southeast Community Services Center for several years, and is very familiar with neighborhood resources and families. She moved from the position as Employment Specialist to Southeast Community Services Senior Center Coordinator in January 2010.
Many adjustments are being made due to funding which has changed, such as the catered hot $2.00 lunch with CICOA (Central Indiana Council on Aging) services had to discontinue the Thursday meals from April to June. Elaine discussed with the group of seniors what they would like to do. No one wanted to close the center that day. They have decided to have an Easter pitch-in lunch with ham for the April 1 meeting. Other plans for meals on Thursdays consist of trying out a few new places to eat, having a brown bag lunch, and a picnic-in-the-park.
The Southeast Community Services Senior Center, has had a successful first dance with 7 guest centers and a total of 75 persons attending the St. Patrick’s Day Dance. Special guests appeared as a surprise. “Diana Ross” impersonated by Jeniece Fleming, and her friend, Vincent Jordan, impersonated “Smokey Robinson” to delight the crowd. Jeniece Fleming is also on the staff of Southeast Community Services as Youth Program Coordinator. A great time was had by all of those present.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, each week, offers energetic exercise classes for the seniors, taught by Debra Richardson who has a studio on Woodlawn Avenue.
They are making good use of a Christmas gift, which is a Wii (pronounced wee) with a bowling activity. There are five University of Indianapolis Students working with the seniors on this activity. The faces of each senior will be placed on a bowling character with the Wii program and they will have a bowling competition using the Wii characters. The students were able to involve every senior. Even those who often think they can’t participate did so with this activity. Other activities vary depending on the season and the time of year. Currently, activities include crafts and special speakers. For Easter the group enjoyed decorating Easter eggs and a visit from a real Easter Bunny (in costume).
Any senior 55 years or older in the Fountain Square area is welcome to come see our center, eat a lunch with us, and join up with this active group. For more information, call 236-7400 x233.

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